EPIC Healing Eugene is Open!

Learn about our waitlist and intake process, our setting, resources, gratitude, and more.

Cathy Rosewell Jonas, LCSW, and Heather Shelton, Ret. Nurse, talk about how EPIC Healing Eugene (Oregon' and the Nation's first licensed Psilocybin Service Center) is now open and serving clients. EPIC Healing is a small Service Center providing highly curated services for individuals, couples, and groups of three who know each other. In this video, we talk about EPIC's long waitlist, how we don't go in order, and share a bit about our service center (set and setting), and intake process. To get on our waitlist, visit EPIC Healing Eugene (epichealingeugene.com). We provide helpful resource information available on our sister company's website, Radiant Heart Consulting (radiantheartconsulting.com), including crisis support (e.g. Ketamine) for those needing more immediate assistance and mental health services, other service centers in Oregon, and our staff videos and bios. Also in this video, we continue our discussion on helpful hints and considerations for preparing for a psychedelic experience including a Gratitude practice. Please visit our other EPIC Healing Eugene Youtube videos to learn more about Cathy's journey and what it took to open up the first Service Center in Oregon. We are thankful to be on this side of the journey, and it's our great honor to be able to serve others who seek a deeply transformational experience with psilocybin in our setting. Our teams at EPIC Healing Eugene and Radiant Heart Consulting look forward to working with those who find us. Take good care.


Interview on Being the First Psilocybin Service Center in Oregon


EPIC Newsletter Issue 3